Love begins with caring for those closest to you, those at home

Mother Tereza

This website is designed to help and support people with dementia and their carers. Here you will find information that is essential for ensuring care and a dignified life for a person with dementia. One of the goals of the website is to support informal care in the home environment, where one of the main obstacles can be a lack of information.

Professional support and training for carers

Contacts to professionals, medical facilities and aid organisations

An introductory word about the project

Until the end of 2023, Charita Ostrava, in cooperation with partners, was implemented a project supported by the EEA and Norway Fund program – Health and program areas 6 – European public health challenges: Improving prevention and reducing health inequalities. The supported project is entitled: “Living with dementia – increasing awareness of risks, symptoms, early detection, prevention and treatment options for Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia” with registration number ZD-MGS2-007.

The purpose of the project is to strengthen measures to support the prevention of dementia through the implementation of educational and support activities for informal caregivers and to increase awareness of dementia among the general public. The project addresses the issue of specific care for people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia and their impact on informal caregivers.

News (only czech)

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